Saturday, May 19, 2012

In A Blue where the Below Doesn't Matter

In a flight, to a place that isn’t home, it is easy to become immersed in the journey, the cold colors of a dying day draining in the sky.

And the thousands below, unknowing and silent, will never know the whispered thoughts that scream through my mind at 500 miles per hour…thoughts that collide in a blue where the below doesn’t matter.

As pale as an evening star, as black as the first ink’d part of the sky in an abandoned East, a thought of you spills like hot wax behind my eyes, slowly, warmly, spreading like the orange in the sky.  Alighting on places in a blue where the below doesn’t matter.

Night crushes and bruises the waning pales into a dark, but the tiniest, filmiest orange line remains across the sky, a molten scar if only for a moment.  

 The smallest scars that remain from thoughts of you, nearly invisible, rarely seen, and never known in a blue where the below doesn’t matter.

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