Friday, June 14, 2013

Tiny Lovers

Let us be...tiny lovers. 

Let us make mischief. Let us spoil the day with quick glances. Knowing looks. A brief and tiny brush against each other. 

Let us make mayhem. Let the energy of a salacious thought bruise the background, deflect and hit you square in the teeth. 

Let you ask me for a tee shirt, that I have  worn in a day, so you can wear me at night with my scents and my presence upon you as you strip bare to wear nothing but my cotton. 

Let us make small talk. If we happen to meet and with others nearby. Let me drop a word that will transport us immediately in our minds so that we know exactly what we said and we know exactly what was heard. And more importantly what was intended. 

Let us make merry. In brief quiet moments, separated by millimeters, let us be mirrors. Let us be breath upon breath. 

Let us make hearts race. Let us let blood rise. Let us find quiet comfort in a nod. A glance. 

Let us let tiny indications of a much larger  sense leak through and let us know in the tiniest of gestures the massive quantum weight of a feeling that once started small that has now swollen into a gargantuan force that I hide behind my blinks. 

Let us be tiny lovers. And let us crave large times together. 

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