Monday, October 28, 2013


Create for me...make time for me...

In a day with 1, 440 minutes what exists in the in-between?  Could I conquer a minute of your time?  

I remember when I would anticipate your arrival, the anticipation of your existence, the wave of you crushing upon the dead sand of me, to awaken, to enliven, to greet me...and in the held-breath of what I'm sure were minutes but were most likely moments I could feel the anticipation.  I could wait for you.  I couldn't wait for you.

Now I'm a dead leaf on the windshield.  Flicked, annoyed.  

I think of when time was not sand, not a tick of a clock, but an environment.  A you and an I when there was nothing monitoring, nothing was a breath of me into you, and an inhalation of you into me.  

I think of the minutes you spend getting a world that may respond, maybe not.  I think of the minutes that you care getting ready.  I have already lived those.  I have already mentioned that perhaps you are too striking for the rest of us, for the rest of them.

I don't pretend of your beauty.  I remind you of it.  I don't say that it works.  I say that it stays.  I don't pretend.  I remind.  Because I put the truth in a moment, I cram the gorgeous in a minute.  A minute that doesn't exist.  I am not in your day...and maybe I'm not in your night.

Rather, I'm in that extra moment...that in-between time.  I'm that 1, 441st minute that exists only in your mind...when and where I can exist so that you remember how beautiful I believe you are...and perhaps for a minute...a believe as well.

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