Monday, December 4, 2017


I wish I could wake to you...

the sudden hitch in your slumber, your breathing and your slow turn to me as you awaken and orient.

But you do it anyways, just through a song in my head...a slow beating tempo...a casual awakening.  No words, it's too early...just a bit of a drumbeat that lets me warm to the idea of flinging off sheets and facing a cold floor.

In the shower it is seductive, the morning still so raw in our eyes and our throats...the idea of a slick-wet you against me in a rain from a shower-head is invigorating...a hastening of the morning with a window that is blackened but growing orange minute by minute.  I scrub the soap against me...I remember how you cleanse me, making me simply cleaner by leaning alongside me.  I remember the soap smell of you.

In a car, in red taillights and cold outdoors I hear a different sound...moving, movement. I feel the gradual wakening, the wait of coffee...the lure of energy about to start the day.  A calendar filled with everybody but you...I see the glimpse of you like light under a door.  But I strive...I strive to feel you color my take note and make an exception.

At work...the tsunami of calls and others.  The masters...the bosses.  I forget to think about you...but then something happens...a moment that is gorgeous as a sun blisters against a building and a view comes to mind and I am a bit alone but I wish somebody could share it with me.



You are missed then.  You are an echo.

And then a ride home...a traffic blanket.  Cloying and annoying.  Edgy.  Another day when your voice is absence and I stride on.

I would have a million thoughts of you but I don't hear it exactly.  Rather it's memorized.

It's like if you recorded yourself being polite to people and put it in a recording.  And somebody made a record of it.

l would buy that album and rip off the plastic and sit in a room and listen to it for hours.

I would smile as I nodded my head.

And maybe that evening...most likely every evening....I would replay it again and again.

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