Tuesday, January 29, 2019


Sometimes you are the moon...waxing...waning...you appear in slight movements...sometimes full on and sometimes fleeting...

Sometimes you are the sun...the center...where I revolve around you...minutes, hours...the warmth, the heat...the ability to show shadows and give growth to me...sustain me...draw my eye.

You draw my eye.

I notice.

I notice when even a potential shape of you is near, when a color possibly associated with you is in proximity...like walking the streets of New York City in a February cold and the warmth of a subway vent pulses up at you...you are the briefest of moments in the freezing day...you distract.

Pause....a sunset.   A moon rise...pumpkin and super...orange against a backdrop of black stick limbs of a forest...in the morning when the haze of lost sleep is like a shawl upon me and I watch the black sky...the black lanes of the highways with yellow lane dividers...and the horizon alights with the starkness of an orb that is so dramatic...utterly different...millions of miles away I can see it, feel it, be drawn to it.

You draw my eye.

In the collapse of an evening...a massive discoloration of a day ending...distractions of colors and shades...there is still a star or a constant...a planet...Mars...something low in the west...staring back...unblinking.

Staring.  The way you stare back...waxing...growing with each day...your eyes fill my skies.  My upwards glances.  My hopeful looks behind my back to maybe see you there...and if not, maybe see you from afar.  Love your approach.  Love your walk to me...the shape I can detect...discern.

I can see you in a crowd...I can recognize you in a world.

I can sense you in a universe...that trembles when you move and reverberates across the horizon.

You draw my eye.

You please my eye.

I ignore whole constellations just so I can find you in the space...and find you walking towards me...I feel the heat of you like a sunburn...a warmth indescribable...and you clutch me in your orbit...you spin me in your gravity...you bring me closer and closer until we collide like a meteorite hitting a planet.

We explode.

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