Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Drop Seat Pajamas
The topic of her ass wasn't a daily fact it was infrequent at best.
But one night over a pool table in a crowded bar before Christmas she wore a tight Yoga pants-like outfit and every time she bent over the table he couldn't help but see the delicate arc and the tightening of the material...
so of course he had to grab it...and not in a soft cradling motion but in a feisty grip, a handful of her ass that was tight and supple...she let out a little yelp and pulled away, but he felt like he had discovered another piece of her...quite literally, but he had never paid it proper attention.
So now he did...not in a cavalier way...but rather in when she walked away...or was turned from him...he just had never appreciated her art, both front and back like he did now.
And as materialistic as it sounded he never really considered these new portions of her...but increasingly he kept imagining her walking on the beach, in the smallest of clothes...and in his mind he kept making her walk ahead of him...he had always loved her gait...but now adding in the portions of her that he hadn't truly appreciated...well...
until now.
So when the topic of Christmas gifts emerged he had one very specific idea to run by her...and it was when she got mad.
It was an evening and there had been hail...a torrential whitewash sheet of rain and ice and it was bitterly cold could hear the pounding on the roof and the windows. He had been leafing through a catalog and had come across onesie pajamas...the old school kind that were made of wool and had buttons up the front and a drop seat in the back.
He made some sort of flippant comment about "easy-access" and he realized she was pissed. Her quiet spoke volumes, her short curt answers were like tiny cuts. She didn't like any debate, she felt like he could form arguments faster and it would just make her angrier. He set the catalog on the table.
She had gone up to take a bath, usually later in the evening but tonight earlier. The bathroom had been their own entry area with mirrors with light-settings and then a long tiled walk to a larger room with a massive claw tub with room for more than the two of them. It had classic lines and a classic filled with hot water quickly and there was a large window above it, high enough so that they could see out but nobody could see could frost with the touch of a switch. Mostly though she kept a candle lit and watched the moon.
Unless it was storming. Like tonight.
Don't objectify me she said as he entered...two glasses of bourbon in his hands...redundant as she already had one near her.
I'm know I have never done that.
You're obsessed with my ass.
He took a drink...bobbed his head a little to and fro.
Actually, I'm obsessed with your body in general...I'm just expanding the definitions.
She reached over for her glass and took a sip. I just thought you'd never go there with a gift...even all the things you've gotten me in the past...they were never about my body...well, maybe a few...but long ago.'s just--
I know....I'm sorry...I discovered a bit of a new place and I'm claiming it all my own! Like an explorer!
My ass isn't new America.
God's way smaller.
She let out a little laugh. Then please no pajamas with the hole in the back...
It's not a hole he started but saw the look in her eyes.
Okay....he knelt by the tub, still filled with bubbles and exhaling a lovely lavender scent.
All of this she said, waving her hand across her body...has a real chance of changing...and I don't want you stuck on a particular part that may or may not grow or change or get worse or whatever...don't let me just be a body for you.
He reached over to her, pulled a little on her chin to make her look at him...her hair was partially in the tub, darkening in the wetness...and outside it was howling and thrashing at the window, white ghost-like colors of ice beating against the glass.
Your eyes will never change...and to me that is the part that I find the most attractive.
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