And there is only so much time for this window of greeting...I don't think people generally say good afternoon or good evening...they say goodnight when closing a child's door or when hanging up the phone after dinner. It is a hopeful term where as good afternoon/evening are polite bit of rhetoric that could be solved by merely saying hello or hi.
She liked to say hi, at all hours. First thing in the morning or when we came up for air after an elongated kiss.
It was a friendly greeting, simple and intimate. Probably the shortest way to say something but it carried in her tone something so much deeper...almost to the point where you felt like it was exclusive to you.
and it usually was because she saved it for when there was no distance between us...and we had come to find ourselves there...interlocked, intertwined. Like we had discovered a reveal...unraveled a bow around a box and found sudden treasure.
It wasn't a code we spoke...although at times he had to pull words out of her like hard steel nails rusted into weathered wood. But over time words occasionally spilled unexpectedly, a break in a dam...and he grasped for them like one attempts to catch water or impossible feat but he could feel tiny bits hitting his hands and his fingers but mostly they fell away and soon evaporated.
And there was the one time, the first time...when she calmly asked do you wanna make love?
As casual as asking to pass the salt, as comfortable as asking to turn up the heat...but in this case the spice and the source of warmth were her and it was an shyness, no ambiguity. Declarative. Yet in her soft spoken notes it was gentle and affirming. She already knew the answer. But hearing it inside my mind I finally did catch the rain, I finally clutched the water and I got to hold it in my hands and consume it, breathe it in, bask in it...and it wasn't even really a question as much as it was an invitation.
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