Tuesday, June 9, 2020


He glanced inwards as he passed the slightly opened door...she was still asleep, facing away from him and he watched her slow breathing raise the sheets ever so slightly.

The whirring of the fan created a nice white noise and she slept undisturbed.

He moved down the hallway and into the kitchen, the sun a gold dot through the trees...he plugged in the coffee maker and it bubbled awake, and the room smelled like the fresh brew...he banged the cast iron pan against the gas burner (shit, that'll wake her) and turned the knob to light the gas. 

He put four pieces of thick-cut bacon in the pan and it sizzled immediately.  It too added to the fragrance of the morning, knowing it was one of her favorites.

Leaving the confines of the kitchen quickly, he stepped out the back door to the potted plants...he forgot scissors and went back inside, flipping the bacon and returning to the flowering greens.  He cut a group of foot long lavender and went back inside in search of a vase.

The kitchen smelled like a diner...strong coffee and bacon.  He forgot to get her a tomato so once again he went outside to get one from their garden. 

A black butterfly alighted on the tomato plant for a brief second and as he drew near it fluttered briefly in front of him and then flew across the yard.

Stepping back inside, tomato firmly in his grip, he washed it and started slicing it.   He sprinkled a little salt on the slices and set them aside.

He stepped gingerly down the hallway and peeked his head into the bedroom doorway...he saw her legs moving and knew she was waking.

He walked back into the kitchen and took a heavy ceramic cup from the cabinet...he poured her a cup of the steaming coffee, put two bacon strips on a plate and added the tomato.

He balanced the meal fairly adroitly, and she was sitting up when he re-entered the room.

Sleep had made her hair disheveled...well, it wasn't helped by the tumultuous tussle they enjoyed prior to midnight...a sweaty collision of bodyparts and murmurings...but she had a similar smile.  It grew when she saw his handful of breakfast.

He handed her the cup first and she took a tentative sip, her eyes hovering over the hot liquid of exactly the same color....she glanced at the plate of bacon and her eyebrows arced slightly.

He pulled the dish behind his back, away from her...she frowned but he leaned in for a kiss and she smiled and gave him a full on memory of hours ago.

In the brief moment over breakfast she alighted upon him...the morning began again all over for him and it was even more beautiful than before.

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