Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Kitty Hawk

He happened upon her.

On his next to last day of the rental week he awoke early and went for a morning run...a bit before sunrise as the summer air was bound to get heavy with humidity later in the day.  His place was adjacent to the beach so he had to run past a few homes before he took the sandy path down to the shore.

There was a thin line on the horizon...the color of rust almost...and behind him the sky was black.

Morning on a beach is like an unveiling...the rhythm of the waves like REM-sleep breathing, long, slow, constant...the sun reluctantly climbing over the horizon like it is still tired...the air becoming lighter in the dawn and perhaps a bit of a breeze to wind-sweep your hair.

Strangers congregate across the sand, some with cups of coffee in their hands, holding up phones to take videos or capture photos...he was taking a few in his half jog when he saw her standing there watching the East...no phone, no cup of coffee...one arm along her side, the other behind her back.

She glanced at him slightly as he came closer, well aware he was sweating, breathing a little heavily and also was a complete stranger.

Morning, he said, raising his hand in what he hoped was a peaceful gesture.

Good morning, she replied, her voice low and southern...she had a quick smile that she gave to him.

He didn't really know what to do...it was obvious he had been running and it was obvious that he was now stopped...he could feel the day beginning, the sky lightening in color, the shape of other people further down the beach.

He wasn't really prepared for what he said next, but he was thinking it and it formed the words in his mouth and they slid out...escaped really.

You're prettier than all of that...his hand gesturing out towards the rising dawn, a combination of pinks and yellows.  All in front of this total stranger.

She smirked...oooookay.  

Just thought you should know.  He waved and started running again, away from her, his face flushed from his idiocy, shaking his head as he ran...thinking:  really?  That's what you thought to say?

He ran at least another mile before reversing course...praying she had gone inside, away, anywhere but that spot on the beach.

He drew near to where he had last seen her...she was gone.

Later that evening he went back out to the beach, a cocktail in his styrofoam cup...he walked down the same path he had that morning...the sands were fairly abandoned by the noon-time families and there were only a few outlines of people that he could see.  He didn't look for her...he had spent the entire afternoon reflecting on his adolescent gaffe...embarrassed that he couldn't have started the conversation out like an adult...like a "hello, my name is....don't you just love mornings on the beach?"

Instead he sabotaged his own efforts by throwing her a compliment that he was certain she had heard some derivative of many, many times in her life.

She knew how pretty she was...she didn't need to hear it from some sweaty stranger.

Fuck he muttered out loud.  He was still shaking his head as he sipped at his drink.

The waves had died down and the last of the seagulls started drifting away like the colors draining from the sky behind him.  The water had gone from green to a dark gray.

Unable to control himself he started walking back towards where he had originally seen her.  He thought he knew approximately where it was...he was barefoot and in linen pants and a tee-shirt.

He didn't see her.  He turned and went back home to his rental house...the last night of his stay.

He awoke before dawn...his head foggy from lack of sleep, no lack of bourbon.  He had run every morning this week and he felt like he needed this consistency currently.  So he set out just like he had every morning...down the left street, past the near-beach houses until he found the path out onto the sand.

Overnight storms caused an ugly gray morning...no chance of a sunrise...rather just a day moving from night to gray to light gray.

He went left down the beach rather than his usual right...he was definitely not looking to encounter her.  He ran closer to the water where the sand was flatter and easier to run on.

Ahead of him, about 100 yards was another runner, at this distance a dark shape...he didn't focus on it, just stored it in his mind as he looked down ahead of him.

Minutes later he realized it was a female runner...smoothly running, ponytail swinging behind her head, dark shorts, dark top. 

He picked up speed...he wanted to create a very small window of when he would pass her in the opposite direction...he would give her a courtesy wave, like all runners do when passing.

As he got closer he saw her trudging to a walk, a deliberate slow down and then she stopped.  Her hands were on her hips and he could see the fall and rise of her chest as she caught her breath.  He kept running.  He was almost upon her...he raised his hand in a wave...was near her, next to her and was moving past...in his peripheral he saw her turning towards him.


He looked back over and she had turned to face him as he went by...he slowed...came to a walk, walking backwards away from her.

I'm sorry? he said...did you say something.  She nodded.

He started to walk forward, closing the gap between them...she had a little sheen of sweat on her forehead but other than that she looked like she just walked out of her car to go into a gym.

She was even prettier than yesterday, in the gray morning with a gray slew of waves around them, her face flush from the exercise. 

He waited.

Good morning, she said...again.   That quick smile.

He kept his words intact...and in his mouth...not escaping.

I apologize for yesterday...it was such an awkward start.

Her face changed...are you taking back your compliment.  

His face now changed...no!  no, not taking back anything...it was just...it wasn't the way I probably needed to happen upon you...

That's an interesting way to put it.

Well, it was just...it was in the moment.   He pointed to the ocean, gray and cool.  I mean I wouldn't compare you to this scene...out there.  For now.  It was just a beautiful morning...and I liked the comparison of seeing you in it.

I liked the comparison too.  Thank you.

She turned and picked up her jog again...he stood there.  She was getting further away.

She turned...Come run with me a bit...

He smiled and shook his head, disbelieving. 

He caught up with her and they ran together, occasionally bumping shoulders.  Above, a bit of cloud parted and a beam of yellow shone through.  It was all very beautiful.

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