For those who travel for a living, or even those who travel on vacation, the temptation to imbibe and simply fall victim to the road-side conveniences of America's fast-food machine is incredible.
Time Magazine asks "Why are Southerners Fat?" in a recent article, and frankly, Time has never traveled to the great cities of Chicago or Detroit. Time could've at least thrown the rural types a bone and said "Why are Southerners Fat but at least Tan?" And who's not to say that Time Magazine didn't park themselves near the Train Depot at Walt Disney World and merely assume the vast quantities of flesh were locals?
Either way, as Colonel Nathan Jessup said in "A Few Good Men", "I don't care."
Rather, I ran across an interesting food item about "Evil Foods", and the menu shown indicates the copyrighted Quadruple Bypass Burger. While not advocating fast food, let alone FAT fast food, I did notice something clever at the locale's website: Folks over 350 lbs EAT FREE.
Honestly, I cannot think of a better combination nor economic stimulus exercise than to line up folks who are border-line myochardial victims and offer them quite literally their last meal.
But I do sort of protest the fact that those who only weigh 345 lbs have to actually pay for their meals. But watching them trying to extract their wallet out of their back pockets might be amusing visually.
I, on the other hand, tend to skip these places unless it's Jack in the Box, but more on that later. However, I did fall recent victim on a trip to Boston, when I visited the 5 Guys in the airport.
For a meal.
At 9:30am.
For breakfast, consisting of a small cheeseburger and fries.
Frankly, it was quite good, and almost counted as brunch since it was reaaaaallllly close to 11am.
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